Mpenjati Naturist Beach – Nudity and Religion Go Full Frontal [analysis]

At the end of October 2014, the Hibiscus Coast Municipality took a decision to grant official naked beach status to a beach on the KwaZulu Natal South Coast. Mpenjati Naturist Beach was set to open by the end of Easter, against a backdrop of dissenting voices.

The first KwaZulu Natal Naturist Beach has been making waves, and these were officially set to crash against the shore this Easter. But plans to open the beach have been delayed following objections from church representatives, who have opposed the concept since the Hibiscus Coast municipality first granted the beach nudist-friendly status at the end of October 2014.

In a council meeting during February 2015, a Committee of Pastors from various Christian denominations made a formal representation requesting council to revoke its decision approving the nudist-friendly beach north of the Mpenjati Estuary.

The Bible itself is filled with tales of nudity, not least scripture’s own tales of the sins of Adam and Eve and the drunken Noah. In these tales, the nudity was the precursor to the sin, which is possibly where the concern of the church groups stems from. In contrast to their views, nudists and naturists alike have…

Source : Daily Maverick

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