Provincial State of Readiness for the Planting Season

The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries today received presentations from provinces on their state of readiness for the planting season. Off concern is that the country has gone through a drought which has had a major impact on food security with many farmers not being able to plant in time, doubled by the fact that many farmers have also lost their livestock. Therefore, as part of its oversight function the Committee required provincial departments of agriculture report on their state of readiness for the upcoming planting season.

The Committee acknowledged that all provinces will meet their targets and noted the challenges being the standardization of mechanization and the impact of the drought on the financial year. The monitoring and evaluation component of the Department must be strengthened and encourages the Department to work closely with the provinces as there is a need for coordination and cohesion. The Department must make sure that it assists provinces in standardization and make sure reports are received timeously as reported in the meeting.

Source: Parliament of the Republic of South Africa

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