Compensation Fund takes major decision on Sinempilo

The Compensation Fund on Wednesday announced that it will no longer process any invoices submitted by Sinempilo Medical Billing.

The move comes after the fund conducted a large scale fraud investigation, where risky transactions were found, directly implicating Sinempilo Medical Billing.

Sinempilo is a medical billing company that does business on behalf of medical service providers.

The Compensation Fund has a duty to prevent fruitless and wasteful expenditure and protect medical service providers. As such, the Fund will no longer be processing any invoices submitted through Sinempilo, effective from today [7 February 2018], the Fund said in a statement.

The Compensation Fund is a schedule 3A entity of the Department of Labour with a clear mandate of providing compensation to occupationally diseased or injured employees.

Workers, who are affected by occupational injuries and diseases, are entitled to compensation.

Source: South African Government News Agency

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